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Robin Flory

Parelli Professional
4 Star Instructor
Horse Development Specialist


Robin is a 4-Star Parelli Professional ready to help you on your journey to become a true horseman. She uses the Parelli Program to build a strong foundation so you can build the horse life you desire.

Robin got her start into the horse world at the age of 11 by volunteering for a therapeutic riding program. Being so young the only thing she was able to help with at first was catching and getting the horses ready as well as being the instructor's helper during games. Robin continued to volunteer all through high school and when she was about to turn 18, her instructor asked her if she wanted to learn to teach. Instanly Robin agreed and started her journey of becoming a riding instructor.


During college Robin taught as often as she could and graduated with a degree in biology secondary education from Iowa State University. By the time she finished her student teaching, however, she realized that she loved teaching but her true love was teaching riding lessons and helping kids and adults to become good with horses.


In 2005 Robin was first introduced to the Parelli program from a roommate who knew she was having a few "horse issues." This program seemed like the right answer for her horse and she instantly latched on. She also noticed that it seemed to be making differences in the lesson horses she was working with and decided that she eventually wanted to be a Parelli instructor. 


Robin started that journey in early 2010 when she spent a month at the Florida campus taking the Fast Track. Robin has now taken the 1-Star and 2-Star Instructor Courses and spent 10 weeks in the Mastery Program with Pat. She goes back for continuing education as often as she can and also continues to learn from higher level Parelli Instructors and other Master Horsemen.

The Parelli Professional Promise

We promise to put our relationship with you, our students, first. Rather than perfecting the task, we will care more about confidence, trust, motivation, and willingness . . . as true horsemen do.

We promise to help you become well-rounded in your savvy both on the ground and riding; to prepare you for success at every level to read your horse, understand his Horsenality and develop your savvy skills On Line, at Liberty, in Freestyle and Finesse.

We promise to inspire and support your quest for never-ending self-improvement. The Parelli Pathway and Savvy Club will guide you to success and help you measure your progress every step of the way.


Get In Touch


Call or Text: (515) 708-2885

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From there you can find support from other Parelli students and Instructors and buy the Levels and access to the Savvy Club Vault


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